A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (2024)

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  1. 2 weeks ago



    My halfling illusionist gives them a glass vial.

    • 2 weeks ago



      Wait and let someone else give it something cause the best I can do is a sock or similar

      The magpie takes off with the offered gift, and returns shortly after with a golden ring displaying the seal of an old noble family.

      A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (6)

      Begone Daemon!!

      The magpie flutters off.

      get outta here kleptomaniacrow, you ain't getting my locket this time.


      Rolled 18 (1d20)

      I roll to seduce.

      You steal the magpie's heart, so now it is only fair that she asks for yours in return.

      • 2 weeks ago



        The halfling studies the ring.jw0sj

        • 2 weeks ago



          It is clearly of high value, and was forged with great skill. Its original purpose seems to be identifying an important ember of the family, but the relief of the engraved seal may also function as a key to a secret door.


          The magpie is barely able to fly while holding on to the gem with its talons. As it returns, it drops a single, large wallnut into your open hand.

          • 2 weeks ago



            The halfling seeks to return the ring to the family.

            The frick is this extension?

            That was me missing the captcha box by a pixel and not realizing it.

            • 1 week ago



              Be valiant on your newly acquired quest, halfling! Great riches may await you if you gain the favour of the family.

              A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (7)

              My deputy marshal gives him a casing from his .308 rifle and wonders if a side effect of combat stims is hallucinations.

              The magpie drags off the casing. It returns with a small can of motor oil.

              >PC 1
              Knows that the folk of the forest are serious business, and gives them a cut of the latest job.
              >PC 2:
              "holy sh*t what the frick is that thing" he says, being from an apocalyptic world where birds are long-extinct.
              >PC 3:
              Debates this matter with his squire until the magpie gets uncomfortable and leaves.

              The magpie takes a coin, and returns with a redolent flower. Its frequence will turn most wildlife in your surroundings gentle for a day (until the flower shrivels away).
              The magpie vanishes like the illusion it seemingly was.
              After the magpie left, you and your squire have the uneasy feelings that someone is watching you until you leave the area.

              You know what? With all the other weird mutations we've run into I'm not gonna question a talking bird. I give it a few soda pull tabs, a single round of 9x19mm, a lifesaver mint, and some pins and buttons off a dead Soviet officer.

              The magpie takes one of the officer pins and returns with the pin of another, much higher ranked soviet officer.

              • 1 week ago


                >The magpie takes one of the officer pins and returns with the pin of another, much higher ranked soviet officer.
                A Major, eh? Well, it oughta fit on a Colonel.

        • 2 weeks ago



          The frick is this extension?

  2. 2 weeks ago



    Wait and let someone else give it something cause the best I can do is a sock or similar

  3. 2 weeks ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (8)

    Begone Daemon!!

  4. 2 weeks ago



    get outta here kleptomaniacrow, you ain't getting my locket this time.

  5. 2 weeks ago



    Rolled 18 (1d20)

    I roll to seduce.

  6. 2 weeks ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (9)

    My deputy marshal gives him a casing from his .308 rifle and wonders if a side effect of combat stims is hallucinations.

  7. 2 weeks ago



    >PC 1
    Knows that the folk of the forest are serious business, and gives them a cut of the latest job.
    >PC 2:
    "holy sh*t what the frick is that thing" he says, being from an apocalyptic world where birds are long-extinct.
    >PC 3:
    Debates this matter with his squire until the magpie gets uncomfortable and leaves.

  8. 2 weeks ago



    You know what? With all the other weird mutations we've run into I'm not gonna question a talking bird. I give it a few soda pull tabs, a single round of 9x19mm, a lifesaver mint, and some pins and buttons off a dead Soviet officer.

  9. 2 weeks ago



    I'd ask if it pisses, sh*ts, and c*ms out of a single multipurpose hole

  10. 2 weeks ago



    My cleric gives the magpie a talisman

    • 1 week ago



      The magpie vows to spread your god's word among the animals.

      I offer it one of the gems I carry for crafting purposes.

      see here:

      It is clearly of high value, and was forged with great skill. Its original purpose seems to be identifying an important ember of the family, but the relief of the engraved seal may also function as a key to a secret door.

      The magpie is barely able to fly while holding on to the gem with its talons. As it returns, it drops a single, large wallnut into your open hand.

      >The magpie is barely able to fly while holding on to the gem with its talons. As it returns, it drops a single, large wallnut into your open hand.

      A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (10)

      >Negi the tengu digs around and finds the red silk string he won from Ashmane.
      >just a luxurious spool of red silk
      "That leonine over there nearly snapped his head off for this, I hope you enjoy it"

      The magpie picks one end of the silk with its beak and takes off, dragging the spool behind it and unwinding it in the process. As it reaches its nesting place - an agglomeration of trinkets and small items gathered over the years, hidden on a small cliffside behind a lush treetop - it is seemingly annoyed that it unintentionally has given away the path to its hoard.

      A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (11)

      Give her: https://demonssouls.fandom.com/wiki/Sticky_White_Stuff

      The magpie is confused how it is supposed to carry such resin, and flies away not to gum up its feathers or glue together its feet.

      A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (12)

      I gift a confectioners treat from dwarven mines, rockcandy amulets after cresting the cavity trolls of silver cap plateau

      The magpie takes the amulet away and returns with a walking stick for a creature the size of a gnome, made from limewood. The stick's finely carved knob is shaped like a bee.

      • 1 week ago



        >how it is supposed to carry such resin
        Close your eyes and say "aaaa".

      • 1 week ago



        I'll thank the magpie and try to poke it softly with the stinger of the beestaff

      • 1 week ago



        As if I'd tell the walkers about it!
        No trust!
        It's like she thinks I'm a crow! A crow!
        >Negi continues crowing all the way back to the flotilla

        • 1 week ago



          The mistrustful magpie gives you a very shiny triple pointed arrowhead so that you keep your beak shut, and then leaves you be.

          I cast magic missile at the magpie just to see if the magpie is capable of treating an attack as a holdable object or artifact
          Because magpies don't normally talk, this magpie is magical and I want to know if it's magical enough to bend reality to its whim

          Roll damage.

          • 1 week ago



            Rolled 4 + 1 (1d4 + 1)

            sh*t, I didn't want to harm the thing. So then, apparently, it's not magical enough
            Well, regardless, after that, I offer it a potion to drink. as well as a scroll of inflict wounds

          • 1 week ago




            As if I'd tell the walkers about it!

            No trust!
            It's like she thinks I'm a crow! A crow!
            >Negi continues crowing all the way back to the flotilla
            >The mistrustful magpie gives you a very shiny triple pointed arrowhead so that you keep your beak shut, and then leaves you be.

            Negi still can't get that bird out of his mind, so he's been fiddling with the arrowhead nonstop since then.
            The rest of his crew have joked about his 'new girlfriend' but with no small amount of real concern, the Captain has written him off.
            He has taken it upon himself to craft a glittering clockwork piece to rival the masters in his earie back home.
            He's been building this thing meticulously for weeks now spending his money on broken gadgetry.
            "This will serve as the beak"
            He is completely off his damn rocker, but it's made great tinkering practice.

  11. 2 weeks ago



    I offer it one of the gems I carry for crafting purposes.

  12. 1 week ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (13)

    >Negi the tengu digs around and finds the red silk string he won from Ashmane.
    >just a luxurious spool of red silk
    "That leonine over there nearly snapped his head off for this, I hope you enjoy it"

  13. 1 week ago



    Fard and shid in his face then proceed to laugh at it

  14. 1 week ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (15)

    I gift a confectioners treat from dwarven mines, rockcandy amulets after cresting the cavity trolls of silver cap plateau

  15. 1 week ago



    I give it the wedding ring of our dead comrade.

  16. 1 week ago




    • 1 week ago



      I bestow upon it my vial of Belle Daphne's bathwater and tie it to its toe with a ribbon.

  17. 1 week ago



    i scrape from fromunda cheese and feed it to it on a cracka

  18. 1 week ago



    I feed it an Alca Selser tablet and watch it explode.

  19. 1 week ago



    I hit it with a tennis racket
    alternatively, I throw a shoe at it

  20. 1 week ago



    I cast Melf's Acid Arrow.

    • 1 week ago



      I give it a string of the popes anal beads.

    • 1 week ago



      I break open a capsule of amyl nitrate. Turn that motherfricker into a Humming bird.

  21. 1 week ago



    A non child proof butane lighter.

  22. 1 week ago



    i hand it a used tampon.

    • 1 week ago



      vibrator egg.

  23. 1 week ago



    That frickers probably a fae. Don’t trust him.

    • 1 week ago



      The magpie keeps bothering you.

  24. 1 week ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (16)

    >implying they haven't already taken their gifts while the party wasn't looking

  25. 1 week ago



    My Satyr Druid happily hands it a silver bracelet she found some time ago

    • 1 week ago



      I thought quests were moved to /qst/?

      Found the sh*tter

    • 1 week ago



      The magpie carries the bracelet off and returns with a scroll wrapped by a purple piece of cloth.

      I thought quests were moved to /qst/?

      Found the sh*tter

      This isn't a quest, it's just item spitballing and me getting ideas for my next game.

      I'll thank the magpie and try to poke it softly with the stinger of the beestaff

      It avoids the staff as nearby bees suddenly start flying in its general direction. However, it does not seem like the bees are trying to cause harm, their behaviour is as gentle as the movement of your beestaff. The magpie flies off.

      • 1 week ago



        Too late, I realize the magpie deserved a gentle caress instead. I roll for regret

        • 1 week ago



          Roll 1d20+2

          • 1 week ago



            Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

  26. 1 week ago



    I give the Magpie twenty bucks.

    • 1 week ago



      The magpie brings back an equivalent amount in a different currency.

  27. 1 week ago



    I cast magic missile at the magpie just to see if the magpie is capable of treating an attack as a holdable object or artifact
    Because magpies don't normally talk, this magpie is magical and I want to know if it's magical enough to bend reality to its whim

  28. 1 week ago



    "Holy sh*t, a talking bird!"

    • 1 week ago


  29. 1 week ago



    I give it a draft letter, conscripting it into my army's air force.

    • 1 week ago



      The magpie studies the letter, then disappears into the foliage. After a few minutes, the bird reappears carrying a small gun. Around its chest it now carries a small ammunition belt.
      "To war!", it caws.

  30. 1 week ago



    I hold out a silver coin in my palm and prep an action so that when the magpie comes to claim it I stuff it into my mouth instead (I'm a lizardman)

  31. 1 week ago



    I give them a deeply personal memento, detailing its significance and explaining that it is a symbol of the bond made by our paths intersecting.

  32. 1 week ago



    >greedy halfling pirate captain
    No! Well okay, fine. You can have some of the crew's share, take your pick

  33. 1 week ago



    My archer uses the fletching skills he usually uses to carve arrows to carve a small likeness of the bird for it to carry away.

  34. 1 week ago



    My Lizardfolk Eldritch Knight bookworm would probably rifle through his bookbag and pull out a book of some sort; most likely something that would be useful to a bird, especially one that can talk and supposedly read.

  35. 1 week ago




    >The magpie is dead. You don't get any trinkets.
    I rest than revivify

    • 1 week ago



      (This means the bird is alive again, right? I never played DnD.)
      The revived magpie flies off with an upset chatter. You feel the sting of malevolent eyes at the back of your neck until you leave the area.

  36. 1 week ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (17)

    Woah wait up guys! We should be really CAWtious!

    • 1 week ago




  37. 1 week ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (18)

    "Well, I found this broken key in someone's pocket a little bit ago. Will that do?"

    • 1 week ago



      The key is shiny and makes a nice sound when you strike it with your beak, so to the magpie it is broken at all. It takes the key away and returns with a small leather bag filled with a peculiar powder. As you carefully smell the powder, you get the urge to sneez uncontrollably, but you manage to close the bag just in time before you spill any of its content.

      • 1 week ago



        >to the magpie it is not broken at all

      • 1 week ago



        >dust of sneezing
        >one of the absolute most boss things for a thief to have access to

        "Hey, thanks, lil' guy!"

  38. 1 week ago



    >trusting Australians
    I kill it

    • 1 week ago



      Roll your attack.

  39. 1 week ago




    >The magpie is quite joyful about the little ephigy. In return, it brings you a small wetstone that seems to be unusually warm to the touch.
    I test out the whetstone on one of my well-used arrows whose broadhead could do with a fresh sharpening.

    • 1 week ago



      Without much effort the broadhead is sharp again, and now glows as if it was blazing hot. Whatever is struck with it will surely burst into flames.

      • 7 days ago



        >Without much effort the broadhead is sharp again, and now glows as if it was blazing hot. Whatever is struck with it will surely burst into flames.

        I kill this guy and take the whetstone.

        >I kill this guy and take the whetstone.

        You get killed by a fire arrow before you get the chance.

        The magpie can not carry the Ancient Crystal of Ki'Zar in which the soul of archdragon Rondanolus resides. It pesters you for something else.

        The magpie is most excited. It jumps around the shiny gift to see it glitter from all angles, before flying off with its new possession. Upon its return, the magpie bestows upon you a silver amulet with a blue stone in its center. Wearing it, you feel as if your eye has become keen for what lies in great distance.

        >You get killed by a fire arrow before you get the chance.

        Wow, I sure am glad I was testing out how to fire that enchanted arrow safely when that maniac appeared. I should check what he has on him, before I leave his burnt corpse as a feast for the wolves... then again, he tried to steal from me of all people, so he must not have much...

    • 1 week ago



      I kill this guy and take the whetstone.

      • 1 week ago



        You get killed by a fire arrow before you get the chance.

        I give it the macguffin

        The magpie can not carry the Ancient Crystal of Ki'Zar in which the soul of archdragon Rondanolus resides. It pesters you for something else.

        A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (19)

        Offer a fish scale. Not just any scale from any old fish, a particular big shiny scale plucked from Christmas dinner fish is bestowed with blessing of most holy night, its silver-like gleam attracts more wealth, a trinket to bring more trinkets.

        The magpie is most excited. It jumps around the shiny gift to see it glitter from all angles, before flying off with its new possession. Upon its return, the magpie bestows upon you a silver amulet with a blue stone in its center. Wearing it, you feel as if your eye has become keen for what lies in great distance.

        • 1 week ago



          You didn't even let me roll!

          • 1 week ago



            It was Elves, damn elves

  40. 1 week ago





    a what now

    • 1 week ago



      effigy but spelled wrong

  41. 1 week ago



    I give it the macguffin

  42. 1 week ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (20)

    Offer a fish scale. Not just any scale from any old fish, a particular big shiny scale plucked from Christmas dinner fish is bestowed with blessing of most holy night, its silver-like gleam attracts more wealth, a trinket to bring more trinkets.

  43. 1 week ago




    A quill feather, why would I need tha-... Oh, I forgot my quill. Much obliged, fair corvid. Wildlife surveys are definitely easier if you have something to write with. This should make a high-quality one on top of that, much better than the one I forgot. Neater lines and a lot less blotting.

  44. 1 week ago



    I offer the magpie a Hobbiton-made, knitted tea cozy, I figure it could use it like a blanket.

    • 1 week ago



      (It’s not very shiny but it’s colourful)

    • 1 week ago



      The magpie tries to wear it as a hat, inhibiting its flight, so it takes a while before it returns to you dropping a very elegant soup spoon into your hand, with fine engravings from which a feeling of homeliness emanates.

      • 3 days ago



        Good thread, I’m surprised it is still up. Fare thee well magpie, and my fellow travellers.

        And thanks for the soup spoon, I will treasure it always.

  45. 1 week ago



    Rolled 4 + 4 (1d20 + 4)


    • 1 week ago



      The magpie sees through your attempt to devour it just in time to evade it, and flies away cursing you in its corvid tongue.

      • 1 week ago



        I hiss and pocket the silver coin before drawing out a gold coin with a toothy smile in an attempt to lure the magpie towards me again. (I'm not the smartest lizardman)

        • 1 week ago



          Well. I guess roll for it. -5 because you did scare the bird. But a gold coin is a gold coin.

          • 6 days ago



            Rolled 3 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

            • 6 days ago



              I Can't Believe My Lizardman Is This Incompetent!

  46. 1 week ago



    A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (21)

    Truly. We are our own worst enemies

  47. 1 week ago



    >Character 1
    Is a tengu, AKA also a corvid. He gives the magpie one of his own feathers, as a sign of solidarity.
    >Character 2
    An astrologer. Gives him a talisman shaped like a star.
    >Character 3
    The fanciest, finest dressed fox in the city. Rather covetous, but as a thaumaturge is amused and curious enough at the creature that she'll give it one of her tail bows.
    >Character 4
    Hardened, no-nonsense warrior. He simply flicks it a coin.

  48. 1 week ago



    I give the bird two trinkets, out of kindness and not for reward.

    • 1 week ago



      I also need to specify my trinkets.
      A red crayon and a yellow ribbon.

  49. 1 week ago



    Give them a rare trinket. Mainly because I think its funny and charming

    • 1 week ago



      Oh, I was supposed to specify the trinket
      I give the magpie my family crest amulet that denotes me as being from a bloodline of evil sorcerers in the Evil Kingdom

  50. 1 week ago



    Give it a necklace if I have one to spare. Otherwise a coin or 3.

  51. 1 week ago




    >magpie eggshell
    What a perfect answer. You're good at this.

  52. 1 week ago



    >human fighter
    >A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket,
    No hesitation, gives the magpie a bundle of twine with a star tied to the end of it
    >and assuring you that there will be something in return.
    oh neat I guess

  53. 7 days ago



    My demigod vampire lich necromancer gives him a chime of opening.

  54. 7 days ago



    "Good day, magpie-kami-san. I would be honored to gift you a small trinket." The samurai shugenja then takes out a small chunk of crystal, and flecks off a piece with a knife that he then shapes into a small egg, which he hands over with a not-too-deep, not-too-shallow bow. "Please accept this gift from the Moth Clan."

    • 7 days ago



      The bird cringes and says "touch grass weeb".

  55. 7 days ago



    >The old Dragonborn veteran opens his pouch with all that clutter and trinkets he has gathered over many years
    >On top lies the first trinket he obtained, back then as an young soldier who just joined the ranks of the emporor
    >He giggles over the irony that of all trinkets this one catched his eye. In the past weeks he has dreamt of that night again, of that accident with his fierce rival and best friend.
    >It has bothered him for so many painfull years. But who knows, maybe today is the day to let it go?
    With a sight the scarred elder reaches in the pouch and pulls out a silver medallion with the mark of the emporors army. A good third is missing, separated by a fatefull strike many years ago.
    "I hope it will be dear to you as it was to me" the elder says as he stretches his arm towards the magpie with a warm smile.

  56. 6 days ago



    I give the bird a bulbous headed, beady-eyed idol of some indiscernible god. It is an effigy of mindless consumerism, a Funko Pop.

    • 4 days ago



      >The bird returns with a small flexible card emblazoned with the mark of a local merchant, and a monetary value on the front that if you remember your exchange rates correctly, comes out to about 20 gold pieces.

      I give him an egg made of seamless obsidian that hums at every twilight

      The bird returns with a small, smooth stone. The stone seems to be somewhat afraid of liquid, as it never sinks below the surface.

      Best thread on /tg/ right now since I am a bird guy. OP is heterosexual.

      I give the magpie a small corvid statue carved from ivory as a token of my admiration of his people.

      The same magpie does mot return. Bit as you start off on your journey, disappointed, another magpie drops a small, unlit explosive and a small vial of opium. As your journey continues, you encounter a group of bandits that you manage to escape with the timely assistance of a murder of crows. You are woken in the middle of the night by a large raven just in time to fend off an ambush.

      Once you get to the next town, the local physician pays you handsomely for your opium, and you figure out how the explosive works rather on accident, destroying a local scarecrow.

  57. 6 days ago



    OP here, forgot to reply with new Magpie trades. Will do so tomorrow if the thread is still up.

    • 5 days ago



      Archer guy, here!
      I sincerely hope to find what I took off that guy's corpse! XD

    • 4 days ago



      Turns out that was a lie. Surprise surprise!

  58. 6 days ago



    Frickers took my metal termies.

  59. 5 days ago



    I give him an egg made of seamless obsidian that hums at every twilight

  60. 4 days ago



    >i give it a lit m-80
    >I give it a dirty needle I found in the park
    >I give it a dime bag of heroin
    >I give it a tangle of pubes from my nutsa*ck
    >I have it sniff my finger

    • 4 days ago



      A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (22)

      >i give it a lit m-80

    • 4 days ago



      The magpie returns, gifting you asmall red bag containing a hand's worth of... finger sleeves? If you didn't know any better you'd swear they were made of lambskin. The bag also contains a book of waterproof matches.

      • 4 days ago



        cool condoms

  61. 4 days ago



    Best thread on /tg/ right now since I am a bird guy. OP is heterosexual.

    I give the magpie a small corvid statue carved from ivory as a token of my admiration of his people.

  62. 4 days ago



    Magpies are my favorite magical animal

  63. 4 days ago



    OP here. Sorry lads, having a bit more on my plate these past few days than expected, can't really continue the magpie trades. If anyone else wants to take over feel free, but the thread will probably autosage in a bit anyway. Thanks to everyone who posted, was a fun little thread.

  64. 4 days ago



    >PC 1:
    Ended the campaign neck deep in alien conspiracy sh*t working to protect humankind. Deeply paranoid after assuming a top leadership position and surviving multiple assassinations.

    Freaks the frick out at meeting a talking magpie and refuses a trinket until it explains who sent it.
    >PC 2
    Long, long, LONG campaign. Was a self-serving pragmatist villain until the last second of the final session, when everything he’d been through all clicked at once and suddenly he was a hero. Nonzero chance that it was divine intervention from a nicer Sheogorath. Currently ruling a bizarro benevolent dictatorship and doing lots of helpful but non-traditionally heroic things.

    He assumes he’s been drugged (or took something for combat and forgot about it) because a magpie is talking to him. He hands the bird a scrap of paper officially deputizing it as an ambassador to all intelligent avians, wayward spirits, and sapient hallucinations.

    • 3 days ago



      >PC 1
      The magpie flies off for a second and returns with a note. It reads: "Kissinger is a war criminal, LBJ put out the hit on Kennedy. The Program's grubby hands are all over it. The Vizier sees all, and he's out of beer. You know what to do." -LHO

      The magpie then alights on a nearby branch and sings softly; taking the chance to sing to an audience as payment. Flying off afterward.

      You realize there's a string sticking out of a bush beneath where the songbird sat, which when followed leads to a small box hidden in the brush. The box contains a firearm, two mags of ammo, a glyph of teleport, a set of fake passports, a vial of poison, a wad of cash, a knife, and a grenade that hasn't been manufactured for decades.

      >PC 2
      The magpie flies off with the slip of paper. The magpie returns with a pocket edition of a book titled "The Vizier's Guide to Courtly Survival". There is a bookmark stained with blood gently nestled on the title page. The book's Foreword claims to have been written by a villian who in a moment of inexplicable insanity, threw away all his ambitions. The pages, however, are blank. As the magpie leaves, a feather falls into the pages. It should just about work as a decent quill.

  65. 4 days ago



    My character wraps it in duct tape so it won't explode when he violently rapes it.

    • 4 days ago



      Your character’s dick is small enough to qualify as a trinket?

  66. 3 days ago




    The magpie leaves. About half an hour later, you feel something splat on your head. Curiously, it seems to have fallen from nowhere.

    >Fromunda Cheese
    The magpie stays out of reach as you proffer the cracker. It takes the cracker in it's feet, flies off, and returns with a small tube of topical antiseptic.

    >Vial of bathwater
    The magpie seems to struggle a bit as it flies off. It returns shortly with a photograph of you offering the item, a receipt from the post office for disseminating many copies as mailers on contingency, a restraining order, with dissemination of said pictures as a consequence for violation of the restraining order, all rolled together in a scroll case, on the outside of which, is inscribed the equivalent of a Scroll of Longstrider. The spell inscribed on the scrollcase is consumed on use, but returns on the dawn of the next day.

    >Alka Seltzer
    The magpie shudders as the pill starts building pressure inside it. Your cold stare turns to horror as a stream of superpressurized water shoots from the magpie's beak. You suffer the effects of a Maximized Heightened Empowered Hydraulic Push spell.

    >Tennis racket and shoe
    The magpie flies off in alarm. It returns with a swarm of angry murder hornets, then flies off with your shoe.

  67. 3 days ago



    I offer an especially shiny stone from my pretty rock collection and hope the magpie doesn't mind the thick scent of my perfume (or the stench of brimstone that it's meant to hide).

  68. 3 days ago




    >Cast of Melf's Acid Arrow
    The magpie marvels at the detail of your casting of the bolt resulting from a cast of Melf's Acid Arrow. It flies off with the tiny casting, and starts to fly erratically as the LSD you coated the casting in does it's work. The magpie catches up with you later, dropping off some moldy grains, and a base, similar to the one on which you set your casting on. On the top of the base is a plaque that simply says Ghost Sound. On the bottom is another plaque with an engraving reading "Thanks for the trip. Give this a rub and let yourself go.". When you follow the instructions, you're not sure what it's supposed to be, but it's quiet, and at the end mentions something about "Hope you enjoyed the Aasimar!"

    >Pope's anal beads
    The magpie accepts the offering. It returns with a small book titled "Rosaries for Dummies"

    >Amyl Nitrate
    Before you can open the capsule, the magpie swipes it from your hand, carrying it out of sight. It returns a few minutes later. In it's beak is another capsule. In it's feet is clasped a small, very finely printed book titled "The Devil's Cookbook: A Guide for the Discriminating Street Pharmacist". There is a ribbon bookmarking a page. On opening to the page, there is a picture of the capsule of amyl nitrate you offered, and a capsule of amyl nitrite. The page goes into great detail on how bad an idea it is to mix up the two. The magpie drops a capsule in your hand. You just now notice it isn't flapping it's wings to stay aloft. The magpie turns 360 and flies off.

    >Used tampon/vibrator egg
    The bird flies off, it returns with a receipt for disposal. No mention of the egg is made. Stop asking.

    >Butane lighter
    The magpie flies off with the lighter, then returns with an IOU. Ask a bird. I'll get to you. No questions asked. As you adventure, you can't help but notice how many farmers there are whose scarecrows keep getting burned down.

A magpie lands in front of your party, asking them for a trinket, and assuring you that there will be something in return. (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.