The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

THE DAILY MISSOULIAN, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1910. IN THE CHURCHES COUNTY OFFICERS ON DUTY MONDAY 'f'ddy Long Legs" Us Commonfolk THIN PEOPLE TAKE PHOSPHATE 1 I'r. Trexler should be of especial interest In View of certain criticisms indulged In adverse to the Y. M. wnr work.

There will be the regular fray nr meeting on Wednesday evening Ht 8 o'clock. The ladles' Aid will meet on Thursday afternoon to be entertained by the Officers. The meeting will bo In the nature of a rally nnd refreshments, tho first since the food-saving regulation went Into effect several months ago, will bo served. Morning Service, Organ prelude, processional, "Holy, Holy, Holy." Invocation. Gloria.

Psalter. Jlymn. "When All Thy Mer-ties." Scripture nnd prayer. "How Hweet the Names of Jesus Sounds," Messrs. Davis nnd Johnson.

Offertory, anthem, "Consider nnd Hear Me." Sermon. Hymn, God, tho Where Performances Match Promises We can assure you of receiving the most courteous treatment, and unexcelled service, whenever you visit this store, whether it is for purchasing drugs or a postage stamp. Alex Peterson, Druggist "A Good Place to Trade." Phone 144 216 Higgins MISSOULA TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK CapiW and Surplus $250,000.00. Principal A. J.

Davis, Pres. First National Bank, Butte. A. L. Smith, Vice.

Pres. National Bank of Montana, Helena. Conrad Kohrs, Director Union Bank Trust Helena J. M. Keith, Pres.

Missoula Trust Savings Bank. W. M. Bickford. W.

C. Lubretht. Peter Scheffer, John R. Daily. Theresia Boos.

F. D. Whisler. R. C.

Glddings. H. Paul Greenough. Greenough Investment Company 4 Interest Paid on First Lutheran. Corner of Hazel and Smith Kith street (bimiiv Mortz, pastor.

Sunday school at 1 1 m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Fvening Worship at 7:30 o'clock. The annual meeting of the eoiiKregntlon will be held at the close of the morning service, at 12 o'clock noon. The Ladies' Aid" society will meet Wednesday afternoon at the school building.

Swedish Congregational Sin 'West Spruce street; Rev. N. J. liolin. pastor; residence 1 North Fourth street; phone, tuU.

Sunday schoid nt 10 a. m. Services at .11 a. in. and 30 p.

m. Services nt Mllllown nt 3 p. m. Prayer meetings every night except Saturday dittlnc; the coming week, at church. Confirmation class will meet nt the church Friday, at 4:30 i.

in. African Methodist. 140 Phillips street, west; Rev. A. Irtinciin.

pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock; subject of sermon. "Spiritual Fortification." Christian Kndeavor meeting nt 7 p.

subject of topic. "Worth While Life Purpose." Preuchlng at 8 p. subject of sermon, "What It Is to Be a Christian." A cordial welcome is extended to all, Monday Evening Meeting. "UV most respectfully extend an In- vltar.ion, and earnestly appeal to every colorvd citizen and our friends of the othojr to attend our ''Oct To-J jfctlMT meeting" Monday evening, Jan-! nary 6, at o'clock. We believe now is th time for us to get together, dis- cuiss.

plan and arrange for the part we shouJd take Hlong with the others In tho religious, moral, social, financial and educational drama of reconstrue-j tion after having won a glorious vie- tory for democracy in the world's great war. Episcopal. The Church of the Jloly Spirit, cor ner of Gerald Avenue and South Sixth street. fJmf. Rev.

II. S. Oa'tley, Rev. Clarence A. Kopp, assistant minister.

Kcjonnd after Christmas. Sunday school at 8:00 a. m. Morning prnyr and sermon at 11 o'clock. Evening; prayer and sermon ut 7:30 o'clock.

Professor Abernathy will sing "Fear Ye Not, Israel," at the morning service. are cordially Invited to attend I sorvices. The Woman's guild will give a social tea nt the parish house on Friday, liecember 10, from 2:30 until 6 p. m. Kveryone is invited.

Christian, Corner of Cedar and Washington streets); J. Hutchison, pastor; residence, 'i'dii South Fifth east; pheme 478 M. IJlblo school, 10 a. Fr. T.

M. I'onrce, superintendent. Morning worship, It o'clock; subject, "Forward." Y. P. S.

C. 6:1:1 p. Miss Agnes Anderson, president, livening worslp, subject, "Starting Right the New Year." Special music at each hour of worship, Midweek worship on Wednesday at p. m. Choir rehearsal at ft: 30 p.

T. M. f'earcc, choir director. The new year is greeting ns with health, national prosperity and international peace. ns be grateful.

Now is the time to make and to begin to carry out noble resolutions, resolutions which are worthy of us and our oppoi tunileis. We ure looking for those, day, who have not as yet made this resolution, that they may do so. Kveryone should know more about the Kible. Why not attend Iiiblo school next Sunday? Members are expected to be presert to worship find support tho church their presence, prayers and means. Public cordially invited to worship with 11s.

"Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Presbyterian, South Fifth street, one block west from Higgins avenue; Kev. J. N. Mae-lean, 1). minister: residence, 3,0 Steven street.

Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. Hunday srhool at I 10 a.

tn. Y. V. S. C.

E. at p. m. Vrofessor II. A.

Trexler will speak at the evening service on Y. M. C. work at Catnp Lewis, where ho lately spent a week lecturing to tho soldiers and had opportunity to study tho work of the In 'that enmp. This talk Audience Witnesses a Capital Presentation at the Liberty.

They say "laddy Long I.cj4n" Is a comedy. I'eiliaim It Is, In It are hiiinh- nldo situations and keen-witted repartee. belied Ih that comedy there lies a pathos and a lesson ns deep as human life Itself. An audience that filled the Liberty theater wini-ssed "I laddy l.onjr" lust ninlit, and came away well satisfied that many a sturdy oak has RpruiiK from a family tree of unknown planting, Standing out unions" a cast well chosen was Alice llaynes. In the role Of Judy Abbott, one of the unfortunate Inmates of a "charitable" orphans' home, a genius in checked MnKhnm, who, throimh the humanity of Jervls I'endleton, enjoys a college career and emerges from nonentity to an author of renown.

l'raise is due to Hubert l'hllips, who portrays that human trustee. He Is the "iJaddy Long Legs," the deity of Judy Abbott. And he finally convinced ner that he was neither aged nor bald of pate. All In all, the play was one of Interest. It is a direct hit against the evil of money-making "phllanthrophy." As for the characters, there were several besides the leading- pair who merit worthy mention.

I.enora Bradley, ns Mrs. Somplo, was a lovable old meddler one of li type found among the hills of New England. Bert Chapman, as James McHrldc, was a very plausible college product, of that class whose ambition In life Is to cultivate a mustache. Miss I'rltchard In character well taken rare, of by Maud Williums. She ably depicted the middle aged woman of kindly feeling.

Ruth Russell as Mrs. Llppet, warden of the asylum, went through with her jiart as she should. Sadie, Kate, (iladiola, Ixirettu, Mamie and Freddie I'erklns well convinced tho audience that they "hated trustees." Canadian Towns May Form Baseball League of Own Vancouver, Jan. 4. 1'resident Robert Hrown of the Vancouver baseball club, J'aclfic Coast International league, said he doubted whether Portland and Seattle would Jump from' the I'liclfle Coast International league on the raelflc coast circuit In an arbitrary innimcr.

Vancouver, he said, is certain to have baseball this year. Victoria, appears a certain entry Into the game again, and It was intimated that Culgary and Kdmontou might bo called upon to form a Canadian league If Seattle and Portland vacate northwest, territory. "FLU" TAKES NAVAL HERO. New York, Jan. 4.

Captain Lmery Rice, who commanded tho Mongolia, the first American steamship to sink a German submarine, and who made 41 voyages across the Atlantic during the war, died today at the New York navy yard hospital of pneumonia following influenza. IIo was 111 only a week. NO FREIGHT TIE-UP. New York, Jan. 4.

Few of the 2,000 freight handlers on strike here, returned to work today, but with the aid of strike breakers and the embargo on exports freight, conditions at tho various piers and terminals have been restored almost to normal, according to an announcement tonight at region headiiuartcrs of tho railroad Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. 'ut out this slip, enclose with Ce to Foley 2HS5 Sheffield Chicago, 111., writing your name and address ideally. You will receive in return a trial pack-ago containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Fills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Smith's Drug atore and South Side Phnrm.iev.

Adv. Hssmavssssisza Watson and Mason Only Two Who Do Not Succcwl Themselves. on Monday monilnfr ut o'clock', MIhmouIii tounty'H elected on November will usuuit'ie office. In ecry ciimc tae two, however, there will be no change in the Incumbents, ns all who ran for re-election except County Comminnioner Flynn wro himen to rmceeed tliemnelvcn, nnd County Attorney Amrevlne, who Joined the colors, did not neek re-election, Fred Watson of St. Ignatius will mtreeed Flynn In tho office in the noutheiiHt corner of tho nccond floor of the liljr white buldlmr, nnd Im- FRED WATSON.

mediatey under tho commlHHloiier'a quartern, Dwifiht N. Mason, with Mr. Angevine as hia deputy, will tisnume Ms duties. Sheriff Green, County Clerk I5ab-inston, County Assessor Currle, County Auditor Evenson, County Surveyor Stoddard, County Superintendent L.ind-Bladt, Justices CJagnon and Dyson, and Const!) hleH Hale and Pulliam were all re-elected. AVlfh Mr.

Mason, the appointment of Mr. Amrevlne as deputy is a case of returning' the compliment, as under the latter incumbency, Mr. Mason was the deputy, and the two men effectively administered the office. Watson Only New Face. And, therefore, Mr.

Watxon is really the only new face in tho county coui-t-liouse, Cowpiiucher, mill employe and foreman, rancher and now county commissioner, are the steps which have, marked Mr. Vat son's life Rinee ho came to Montana us a husky youth about 13 years For a time, ho "punched in the Judith basin. Then, after a year, he was employed by the Anaconda Copper Mining company, serving first as a workman, and then becoming foreman at one of tho camps, having under him iif times as many as 170 men. For nine years he was foreman, directing bis men under "the square deal plan." "That plan is simple," he said yesterday. "Jt's Just a case of treating every man the uamo as every other man, regardless of his nationality or bis education." Rancher and Austioneer.

From employment with the company, he went to the reservation, where he has been a rancher, alternating this arduous work with that of the auctioneer, and in the latter capacity, his friends declare, ho is "a hummer." That Mr. Watson will be a popujar man in office, should he guaranteed by the words of his friends, both in this city and from the reservation. "There may be one or two men on the reservation just as (rood as be," said one of those friends yesterday, "but there are none better." "if there is a better man," said another, "living on the reservation than Fred Watson, I would like to meet him. He has the best of reputations for fair and square dealing, and ho is a great friend of the children." Mr. Watson declares ho is a Montana Kiaduate, having Hervod a complete course in the "State Collcsro of Hard Knocks." lie Is.

therefore, on terms of special friendliness with labor, and he is prominent in Masonic circles, beinjr one of tho loading members of the Masonic at St. Ignatius, a member of St. Omer command-ey at Missoula and a member of the Mystic Shrine. Mrs. Watson died about one year ago.

Missoula Representative Unable to Attend Meeting The National Parks Highway association held a meeting Saturday at Spokane. James A. Walsh was to have represented the chamber of commerce at Ihe, meeting, but was unable to make the trip owing to the of the legislature. This meeting is for the purpose of making jdans for mi advertising campaign through the Middle west and east. Probably a lecturer will make that territory, speaking before automobile clubs and at the different chambers of commerce, illustrating his lectures with pictures taken at different points was put highway.

A like campaign was put oil two fj -a in on the highway, and advertising the north-Vest will bring tourists to this section of the country. ramus PRIVATE, OJl t3 DANCING LESSONS CALL DANCING ACADEMY Uarber Marshall Hall Open h'very Evening. I 1 V. 1 I i Don't Say YouVe Nothing to Do THE Nothing Like Plain Oitro-Phorhnte to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Ptrength, Vlnor and Nerve Force. Judging fri'Oi the 1 tuiiiex" in I'lira-tions si ml m-11 1 vMWi are ruiit.n-uiiltv twine advertised for lite purpose 01 mtiklng tliln 'M-oiile flefhv, developing srriis.

nerk uiel liitsi, and ivplnWio; uidy hollows and auric oy the suit curved Georgia Hamilton, the wonderful "Moiic" girl, ti'irt urn once th'n oml frail, j.ivj: 'BITRO fllCSl'IIATIi brought about the tnnic transform tion, 1 gnivci 15 pounii. and never bi'foro felt so well." lines of health lid beauty, there sre rvl-denlly thousands of iiifii and women who keenly feel their exeesive thinness. Thinness and weakness are usually due to starved nerves. Our heiiies need more phosphate than Is contained In modern foods. Physicians ehtiin there is nothing that will supply this ilefielem-y so well as the organic phosphate known mining druggists as bitro-phosphale, whieh is inexpensive and is sold by most nil druggists under a guarantee of -satisfaction or money hack, liy feedliiii the nerved dl- Frederick Koltr.

M.D.. EJttor ci York Phvsirmi'H "Whos Whn' vnyj! "BlTRO-l'IfOSt'irATh shoubi prescribed by wcry doctor and n.ti-if in I'fery hospital to incrcc sln'nlk ant' 't'V'-' fvl'i-c' and to ct rirli blond." reetly and ny supplying the Po.iy ceils wit the iiei-essa rv iihosnlairir food elements, bitro-phoNphatc, qui Uly produces a wei- oine la list OI'llUl i IOII III Uie Kppf'lliue 1-. in the appea ranee: the increase 111 weight trc'iuciitiy neing- 1, st in I -il 1 i inf. This Increase we.ght also curries with It general improvement In the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness nnd lack of enercy, which nearly always ac company excessive thinnes, sooa uis- ilus Josephine Povit.

report'. htr "ten trperience with BITKO PUOS- I II A lb. says: "It it remarkable u-'iaf it did for me. After a few days I negnn to reccin my strength, feit fvb of life, was able to sleep soundly and ill my liitle trnvblts seemed to ni; tppror, I toetlve founds ii: our weeks. appear, dull eyes become Inlcht, and pah' cheeks gloiv witti the bloom of pet feet health.

Joseph 1. I larrigan, former Visiting Specialist tu Ninth l.inpensatory, says; ft tline who nie weak, thin, nervous, or ruii-d'iwu take a natuinl, lmatluHci iited surengtii and tis-sue-tnillilini; sul'staiii-ti ste li te and vuu will soon i-otne astoni.stileg results in the iie rease of nerve energy, strength of body and mind and power of CAUTION: Although bitro. phosphate is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness nnd general wenknm, it should not, owlmi to its remarkable fiesh-growinf prcpert es, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh. Adv. SERATHOL FOR INDIGESTION A PHVSlCIAN ADVICE to the great variety of stomach alien ni-- iial tile ta.ihipeU anil on" deed be a nu re riiaMee if the je, p-ii a leuifdy tor his own that world give subsiaritial and Iltstms bii'i fils: i veil granting that the i rou'lv iiH-nr wb-n r.

v'11 ermiii-tern. i I not ytirpiiMn f'ti-1 t'ae siii -r iioin siotr.aih in, buvintl li'nii; li'M one then aamiici in I'ei, t-i obtain rein I Keoem ill esl of the en I itien a lirui. of iii' of inoiui-s-Inn. tiiifl emjuuMis iirir-ilii; (loin aMv of tot. stoma, prove Ijo-i-- i iiolehu In-n el iv in the of ts than orilinary Ik- any trooj druaist al tni'iinu ni.

Mnuv a suifervr iuau these eoaipluims has 1-een Hg; sarprised hi the ni- I most instaiitiieeo -it i' aril riihse-pirnt I enei ma its use. In nisiiv cases of, et i-' v. a ii r'--ilo- -io si i i 1 I- 'si Hock of Ages." Evening Service, Invocation. Platter. Hymn, "Come Holy Spirit." Scripture and prayer.

Solo, "Just Ileyond the Vale of Tears," Mrs. Polleys. Offertory anthem, "The Silent Sea." Sermon. Solo, Mrs. Phillips.

Hymn, "How Firm a Foundation." Emmanuel Baptist Corner of Woody and Pine streets; Rev. W. Lock wood, minister. Sunday school Is called at Pr. J.

W. Howard, superintendent. A boys' high school class is being organized by Mrs. J. W.

Howard. The girls' high school class is under tho direction of Miss Ignore Rennlck. The school was opened last Sunday and nqw that the public schools are open wo urge parents to get their children back Into Sunday school. Our work Is graded and every session missed Is Just that much lost to the pupil. Morning worship and sermon at 11 o'clock.

A memorial service will be held as a part of the morning worship for Leroy Hut-zerin, who was killed in action September 26, R. O. Rallly will sing, "Eter-nal Peace." The service of communion will be observed at the close of the' morning sermon; The P. Y. P.

IT. will meet at 7 o'clock for a devotional service nnd social hour. AH young people of the church and congregation are urged to come. First Methodist Episcopal, Corner of Kast Main and Washington streets, Pr, Charles T. Crouch, P.

pastor. Sunday school at 9:43 a. Glen W. Pralher, superintendent. Paly addition Sunday nchool nt 3 p.

Mrs. I E. Sargent, superintendent. Morning worship and sermon at 11 o'clock; subject of sermon, "The Present Pay Task of the Church." Evening worship and sermon at 7:30 o'clock, subject of sermon, "How a Christian Should Live." Epworth league devotional service nnd study class a Monday evening the ot-tlcial board will meet at 8 o'clock. At thlH meeting the- fallowing question will bo discussed, 'What might be accomplished if this body in every church w-ere whole heartedly engaged in the real business of the church, Wednesday evening Centenary prayer meeting.

At this meeting this question will be discussed, 'How can this chhicli best serve tho community in accordance with the mission of Christ, Who came not to be ministered unto but to minister?" Como and take part iii these' discussions. Thursday after noon the Lend-a-Uand society will meet at 2:30 In tho parlors of the church. Section No. will entertain. Special music at the Sunday services.

A comfortable pew and a welcome for you always at this church. Salvation Army. 10 o'clock, county jail; 11, holiness ness meeting; subject, "The Potter's 2:0, Sunday school, l.ouia Nlc-olel, J. 8. m.

an, Young People's legion, topic, and Service." 7:30, street meeting; Salvation mel-ing, subject, "The Gonpel of Salvation for Society." Come Just as you are and bring a iriend, Everybody's church. Swedish Lutheran, Sunday school will open at the Swedish Lutheran church on Alder street at 10 o'clock this morning. J. A. Swanson Is the superintendent.

First Church of Christ, Scientist. Corner of Pine and -Puttee streets, holds services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; evening services at o'clock. Subject for today: "Cod." Wednesday evenl: a' testimonial meet ings are at 8 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at tho close of the morning services ut 12 o'clock. Tho reading room is open dally, except Sundays and holidays, from 2 to 4, and Thursday and Friday ffvenings from 7:30 to S.

The public is cordially invited. St. Francis Xavier. Masses will be held ut the Church of St. Kr.tncis Xavier at 6 o'clock, at 8:15, 9:15 and 10: o'clock in the morning.

Su'idny school will be held ut 2 o'clock In the afternoon and the regular evening service ill bo held at 7:30 o'clock. At tho 15 o'clock mass, the Young Ladles' Sodality will take holy communion. Chamberlain's Tablets. When you are troubled with indigestion or constipation, take Chamoer-lain's Tablets. They strengthen tho stomach mid enable it to perform Us functions naturally.

Indigestion if usually acejitnpatiicd by constipation and ts aggravated by it. Chamberlain's Tablets cause a gentle movement of the bowels, relieving tho constipated condition, -Adv. COLO WAVE PASSING. Chicago. Jan.

I. I'ehcf from tin- severe cold ushered into the western half of. the country New Year's day came today In most region and tonight more comfortable temperatures Were generally reported. In Chicago, where a minimum of 11 degrees below the coldest thus far this winter, i wa recorded at 6 o'clock this morning, the reaction had. carried the mercury upward 24 degrees in 15 hours tonight.

Wise men make proverbs that fouls may misipj.Ke Oietn. I i sj I Stockholders: Dr. G. T. McCullough.

8. J. Coffee, George Briggs. Ulrick W. Deschamps.

Arthur Deschamps. Mrs. John R. Toole. Mrs.

E. G. Ellis. Henry Turner. Savings and Time Deposits 3T2 IliJ Water Systems For Homes, tarms and Schools.

Consolidated Electric light and power for the farm and country home. Missoula Electric Supply Company Phone 1040 i Needs All the Spare Time You Can Give to It eposits Made in our Savings Department to and including January 10, will draw interest from January WOOD 01 PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 16-inch Slab Wood, per $1.75 16-inch Heavy Wood, per Timothy, Clover and Alfalfa Hay, Mill Feed, Wheat, Oat.H and Coin. Kcardon's Feed and Wood Yard 125 West Pine St, Phone 75 WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY J. D.

Rowland 130 Higgms Avenue wpe.ial Attention Given to Fine Watch Repairing. ESTABLISHED "1SD3." TW1C rJ-A -T A WANT- A Df FJt I NU SlHCK lUOSlt.Ts:, TRY THEM. Western Montana National Qank.

The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.