Fremont Tri-Weekly Herald from Fremont, Nebraska (2024)

DUPLICATED LOVE LETTERS Omaha I Mrs. Duquette and Holdrege Mrs. Duquette Compare Notes. interesting Facts in Connection with Bigamy Case. Sheriff Bauman arrived home at 7 o'clock yesterday morning with m.

Duquette, the perjurer, and the prisoner was at once lodged in the county jail. An effort was made to have his prelimicary bearing before Justice Dame yesterday afternooD, but after witnesses bad been summoned and the prisoner been brought before the bar, it was found necessary to postpone the case on account of the absence of County Attorney Stinson. The trip back from Missoula was without incident, aside from the fact that Sheriff Bauman thinks be has got trace of another wife of Duquette's. A man he met on the train who apparently knew the prisoner told the sheriff that he lived at Walla Walla, in that at that place, Duquette was married to a young woman, whom be believes is still in Washington. When the authorities here get through with Duquette, he will be called upon to face more serious charge at Holdrege.

The sheriff of Phelps county yesterday afternoon called Sheriff Bauman up by telephone and requested him to hold the prisoner in case the evidence against him here is not sufficient 1 to send him to the penitentiary. Mrs. Duquette No. 3, nee Maggneson, whose parents reside at Holdrege, bas said that she will prosecute Duquette to the law's limit. The date of the marriage of the pair is given as February 17, and the Phelps county authorities are inclined to think that the l.incoln newspaper reporter bad not made a careful investigation when he said that there was no record of the MaggnesonDuquette marriage on the Lancaster county docket.

ONE WIFE IS HERE. The Omaha Mre. Duquette, who is a dressmaker, arrived in Fremont last night. She secured 8 room at Mrs. West's place on lower Main street, and then called on her spouse at the jail.

The meeting W88 not one. but nevertheless they enza eilu COnversation for 15 or 20 minutes. Later, in responer to a question by a representative of this paper, Mrs. Duquette said: I am not going to prosecute Duquette. I'm to be spared the pleasure: Mrs.

Duquette No. 2 or 3, I'm sure I don't know which, is going to attend to that part of it. She's only a girl 16 or 17 years old, and her father i is going to back her in sending Duquette to the penitentiary. "I have been trying every way I could think of to find out whether my husband was married another time. From Lincoln they wrote that there was no record on the marriage docket, and then I wrote to Denyer, where I knew he bad stopped for several weeks When I had got an answer of the same kind from there, I went to Holdrege and hunted up the Maggneson family.

"There I became convinced to a certainty of Dugnette's duplicity. Mrs. Duquette No. 2 not only had letters from Duquette, but when we compared data we found that he had been duplicate copies. I remember one very distinctly.

It comm enced: "My darling wife. As 8000 88 I get settled here in Montana I'm going to have you come to me. Then I'il provide a good home and we'll never be The other Mrs. Duquette's letter was worded exactly the same. He ouly stayed at Holdrege a few daya and then tie came to Omaha and lived with me.

In one of the letters the Holdrege woman has, he says spending a vieit with his mother in Council At the same time he was telling me that he had been taken sick at Holdrege and had to stay there a few days. I heard nothing about the Washington Mrs. Duquette until I came to Fremont. I know he has been in Washington." Duquet: hearing has been set for next Friday, but Mrs. Duquette will try to have it arranged for today Monday.

Fred Dietz is the only Fremont bowler wI.o shone very conspicuously at the bowling tournament, just closed at Lincoln, With a score of 547 for three games he carried off twelfth honore in the individual contest. This wasn't so bad considering that twentytwo prizes were offered. He WAS also elected director of the state bowling association. Makes mother eat, makes father eat, makes grandma eat, makes grandpa eat, makes the children eat. Rocky Mountain Tea does it.

A great spring tonic. 35 cents. Pobl Shephard. Osteopathy never fails in nervous disorders. Osteopathy will give you good natural sleep.

I make a specialty of chronic diseases. DR. F. E. GAMBLE, 1m Cor.

6th Main. THE PEOPLE DEMAND on one liut." ft All phones ORDER TO SALOONS. Screens Must Be Open on SundayMayor's Instructions. Chief of Police Daughtery, acting under instructions from Mayor Wol7 yesterday morning visited the saloonkeepers of Fremont and "versed" them in the policy the present administration will pursue relative to violations of the law covering the sale of intoxicating liquors. The ultimatun, briefly stated, makes the following provisions: Do not sell liquors to minors.

Close your saloon at midnight sharp. Do not sell liquor or open your place of business Sundays. Keep your windows free from curtains and open the door to the inside screen Sundays so people can see what 18 going on in front of the bar. The chief of police carefully explained to every saloon proprietor what would be expected and the policy the administration would pursue in cases of infringement. "We intend," said he, "to bave no trouble if we can avoid it, but the saloon men know just what to expect from now on, and if they get hauled over the coals it will be their Own fault.

We have drawn the line just where we intend to keep it, and 1 think that is generally understood. I am glad to say that nearly every saloon man I talked with seemed perfectly satisfied with the proposition, and asked only that everyone be treated alike. We will make no distinctions. The law is not specific about the inside screens and we cannot demand that they be taken out. However, we will allow no obstructions in the windows." Temperance people find objections to the policy because they think the ecreens should be removed.

One well known man remarked last evening that he considered the order a "backdown" and that it didn't provide for anything better than the city has bad. The North Bend city government has been installed, as follows: Mayor Thomas Purcell, Cal Lehmer, V. Janeen, Charles High and A. Harvey. The first business to be transacted was the granting of saloon licenses.

There were three petitions presented, coming from H. A. Deiderick, Buchta O' Hare and James Gorey. They were all a ted without any oppoeition. Atte the several licenses bad been granted, the council was notified by the applicants that the town would go "dry" it they did not lower the occupation tax, which has been placed at $1,000, making it necessary to pay $1,500 to run a saloon there, this year.

There is considerable speculation as to what action the council will take. M. Diefenderfer of Wood River, shooting from the sixteen yard line won the fourth grand American handicap at inanimate targets, at Kansas City, with a score of ninety-four out of a possible 100. In winning the event he defeated practically all of the expert marksmen of the country, as all of the shooters of note were entered. Ray Beer and Willie Henry, the Omaha lads who were taken in Thureday night by local officers, were yesterday morning dismissed by Chief of Police Daugherty, after promising that they would go home.

The boys were anxious enough to secure their liberty and to start for Omaha again. "We know a brakeman that will let us ride with him," said one of them, "and if you'll let us go we'll start straight for home and won't run away again, never." This was after Chief Daugherty had administered a fatherly talk that had the effect of bringing tears to the eyes of both the youngsters. ACCIDENT TO SHAMROCK. Weymouth, April Sir Thomas Lipton's new challenger of the America's cup was dismantled in a squall today shortly after leaving this harbor preparatory to another trial spin with the Shamrock I. Her mast, as it fell over the side, carried several of the crew aud all the gear and canvas over u.

Une man was drowned at.d several SODS, 'deluding Sir Thomas, who was knocked down a hatchway, were bruised and otherwise injured. THAT EVIDENCE. David City, April 18. -In the appliaston tor a trial in the Lillie murder case, Corda A. Bell makes atti la vit that on the 24th day of Octoher.

1902. she found a shirt in the alley near uer residence with the initials and on it. Affiant also says that there were several spots on one of the sleeves and wristbands thereof that bad the appearance of b'oodstain: When the coroner's jury was holding the inquest a thorough and complete investigation was made as to the finding of this shirt and they could not in any way connect it with the Lillie murder for the reason if the statements made by Mrs. Lillie were true, the man who did the shooting neyer touched Harvey Lillie after be fired the fatal shot, and it was an impossibility to get any blood stains on his clothing. NOT GRANTED.

After listening to the affidavits, Judge Good refused to grant the motion for a new trial. "Itching bemorrhoids were the plague of my life. Was almost wild. Dean' Ointment cured me quickly and per manently, after doctors had faile 19 0. F.

Corewell. Valley street angert es, N. Y. For sate ty I ohl shepnard. NEW TOWN IN SAUNDERS B.

M. Surveyors Make Station ere. Follow Close to River All the Way to Ashland. Saunders county farmers are rejoicing over the statement of members of the B. M.

surveying party, which has been operating among them this week, that a new town is to he established just south of the Platte river and about eight or ten miles east and south of Fremont. Considerable surveying may yet be done beforethe exact location of the station is decided upon, but several of the surveyors have said that it will be within a mile of Otoe Creek, and probably right beside the little stream. The stakes now 10 place indicate that the bridge across the Platte will be just a mile east of the wagon bridge, or about opposite the packing bouse. In Saunders county the line now being surveyed runs directly parallel with the river, following the lower wagon road just below the bluffs. Thursday night the entire party of workmen, numbering thirteen, secured lodging at the homes of W.

A. and Bert Esty. Friday about the same ground that had been gone over Wednesday aad Thursday was resurveyed. A member of the party gave as a reason for this that the line had been established 8 little too far from the river, and consequently it was found that the road would have to be run up into the bluffs unless the route was drawn a little further north. The present plan is to follow the river all the way to Salt Creek, from which place the road will run direct to Ashland.

No effort will be made to reach any towns that are not directfly on the route, and it is believed that one or two stations besides the one in Saunders county will be established between Fremont and Ashland. The country is thickly populated, and there is no doubt but what the business of such would be sufficient to be profitable to the company. The present survey runs three miles north of Yutan. Many interesting little scenes have been enacted between the surveyors and farmers along the route. Occasionally a protest is offered wheu the line runs directly through the property owner's yard, or even through one of his choice fields, Usually the surveyors pay little attention to these, but occasionally, when they can conveniently do so, they are willing to go to a little trouble to accommodate the man who ra ses the objection.

One of these instances was brought about Thursday afternoon when the line was being drawn close to a barn owned by John Nau. Mr. Nau did not like the prospects, and asked the leader of the gang whether he cou'd not arrange to run a few rods in one direction or another. The surveyors were willing, and the line was run over again, This time, however, they struck another choice piece of ground, and Mr. Nau again protested.

A little disgusted, the workmen went over the route again, this third time maxing their instruments indicate that the line would pass directly through the center of the barn. Then they went op, refusing to give the matter further attention. A man who lives near Valley, and who has seen the surveys made in this vicinity and those which passed near Arlington, says that there is no question in his mind but what the latter line was run just for a "bluff." He says that the men who worked on the other proposed route did not do their work with half the accuracy and care shown by those who passed through Fremont. Died In Central America. Granville Milligan, formerly of this county, and well known in Fremont, died three weeks ago aty Tebauntepec Isthmus, Central America, of pernicious fever, after an illness of only 8 few days.

Particulars have just reGently reached his father, J. O. Milligan, now located at Wakefield, and who is quite extensiyely interested in rail road stocks in Central America, The remains could not be shipped to the United States, and interment W88 made near the place of death. The body, however. Was securely cemented in a heavy pine box aed will probably be disinterred and brought home in the future.

There is considerable talk at the present time concerning the standing of the Nebraska National Guard. The military year expires with June and if before that day an encampment is not held in Nebraska, the expense of next year's encampment will not be defrayed by the general government neither will the state troops be equipped out of the funds of the war department. Military men are urgins that ever effort be made to secure entrance to the standing army, as then the men will be better equipped and he expense to the State will not be as Luch. Swibart's orchestra furnisbed the music for the "Otbelio" engagement at the opera house Thursday night. S.

B. Parks was in the city on biway from Scribner to Kansas, where he will make his home. Mrs. Mary B. McCluban, of Morse Bluffs, was adjudged insane by the examining board and taken to the Lincola asylam, Fred E.

Biles, formetly of this city, 18 now located at Prescott, Arizons, as president of a mining and investment company. We would much prefer wearing a shiny pate all our days than to buy hair the way Jim Wintersteen did and bave it glued on with wax. Bixby. The W. R.

C. social, given in the new G. A. R. ball Thursday evening, was 8 most successful affair, from a financial as well 'as pleasurable standpoint.

The amount added to the treasury was $62.50. Adjutant General Culver is compiling a roster of the changes in the personnel of the officers of the Nebraska National Guard since the first of the year. The roster will be published in a few days and will hereafter be issued quarterly. While at Butte, Sheriff Bau-. man called upon William Smith, the former Fremonter, who was recently shot while tending bar in 8 saloon at that place.

Smith is recovering nicely and will be around again in the near future. One of the Shumaker boys set a line in Platte river Thursday night and yesterday morning, on bauling it in, fonnd a seventeen and one-half pound cattish on one of the hooks. This is oee of the biggest catches made recently. The men who are laying the foundation of the new union passenger depot, continued their operations yesterday. By evening stakes had been driven the entire length and breadth of the ground on which the structure proper will be located.

Prof. Phillips entertained the members of the Pharmacy class last evening at Wolz's. Refreshments were served and all had a general good time. The students in attendance (at least some of them), vote Prof. Phillips to be the bandsomest, and most competent and marriageable man in the institutton.

Foley's Kidney Cure if taken in time affords security from all kidney and bladder diseases. Sold by Pohl Shepra d. The uniform rank continues to grow and the year 1903 promises. to be the most prosperous in the history of the rank. Many new are being.

organized. Reports read at the recent convention of the grand lodge of Rhode Island show there are thirty-five lodges in this grand domain. with a membership of 2,767. Lodges Nos. 28, 23 and 90 of Milwaukee recently consolidated.

Their combined membership is.351. There are thirty-five defunct lodges in the grand domain of Wisconsin. St. Paul lodge, 2, of St. Paul, continues to grow and now has a membership of 857.

During last year every grand lodge excepting three reported an increase in subordinate membership, and those had a total loss of only 350 members. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. Don't delay taking. Sold by Pobl Shephard, Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature 04 800 PHONES IN FREMONT, and all on one line, means good 'service. See full notices elsewhere.

tf Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. To William Martley, Caroline Looby, John Looby, Margaret Mahaney, Henry Mahaney, Willian Murnane, Albert Murnane, Thomas Murnane, Lettie Murnane, Clara Murdane Leona Murnane, Anna Murnane, Willie Murnave, Harvey Murnane, John Murnane and Harry Murnane, and all unknown heirs and devisees of Catharine Murnane, deceased, non-resident and unknown defendants: You and each you will take notice that on the 23rd day of March 1903. Daniel Martley, rank Martley. Henry Martley and Edward Martley, plaintiffs herein, filed a petition in the district court of Dodge County, Nebraska, against said defendants, impleaded with other and resident defendants, the object and prayer of which are for a decree settling the construction of the last will and testament of William Martley. deceased, and forever quieting in the plaintiffs, the title in and to the west half of the south east quarter of section twenty-two (22), in township eighteen (18) of range seven (7), east of the sixth P.

real estate situate in Dodge County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of May, 1903. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1903. DANIEL MARTLEY, et al. Plaintiffs.

m24 4w By A. H. Briggs, their Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Emma E.

Dorsey deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before the County Judge of Dodge County. Nebraska. at the County Court room in said county on 11th day of May, 1903, and on the 11th day of November, 1903. at 9 o'clock a.

m. each day for the purpose of the examination, adjustment and allowance of their claims. And that all claims against said estate not presented and filed in said court on or before the 1 11th day of November, 1903, will be forever arred. A. H.

BRIGGS, Judge Dated April 13. 1903. a14w4 STRIKE GOES ON QUIETLY Telephone Workmen Still Out and no Settlement Prospects. Await Orders From Omaha- -Enough Linemen for City Work. There is no change in the telephone strike situation.

The Fremont workmen are making no move awaiting orders from beadquarters at Omaha. It is estimated that at the present time more than 85 per cent of the Nebraska Telephone company's linemen in Nebraska are out. Manager Cummings bas secured enough men to keep up all work in Fremont. In fact, yesterday he had two. applicants whom he was obliged to turn away.

The extension work cannot be well continued until a large gang is again at band, Up to last night no word had been received at the local headquarters from President C. Yost of Omaha. He is expected home from Chicago at once, and no step will be taken until be arrives. Local strikers say that the proposition for the new scale was submitted to Mr. Yost more than a month ago, and that an answer was promised within ten days.

None had been received, and they seem anxious for the company to make some move in one way or apother. The local union appears to bave the highest regard for Local Manager Cummings, and no complaint of the local company's treatment of them is made. Lines have not been in any way disturbed, and the strike is being conducted quietly and upon strictly business principles. Half of the ers were union men until this week. Nearly all of them have secured cards during the past two or three days.

Fremont automobile-owners formed an organization last evening, electing Dan V. Stephens president and Dr. Frank Brown secretary and treasurer. 'Posses or8 of machines, residing in any part of the county, will be allowed to join. The object will be to promote automobiling.

At each meeting the members will be required to give their auto experience for the time intervening between that and the previous meeting. Activity on the site of the new union passenger station continued yesterday, and last evening all of the ground between the tracks east of Main street had been gone over and literally covered with stakes. The Fremont foundry yesterday morning delivered a wagonload of iron material for the foundation. Some of the other building brick and wood Was also unloaded from the cars. DIED--Peter Neastrom died Friday evening at 6 o'clock at his home 00 East Third street.

He was 41 years of age and had lived in Fremont for more than twenty years. He was born in' Sweden, and spent his younger manhood days in his native land. A wife and two children survive bim. The funeral will be held Monday at 2 p. fuom the Swedish Lutheran church, The number of pupils attending the Ames school has dwindled from 92 to 24 since the Standard Cattle company sold off its land necessitating the removal of so many families from the place.

Principal Tally W88 formerly provided with an assistant, but at the present time he can conveniently do the work alone. The local authorities have received word to be on the lookout for the robbers who entered the bank at Rogers Friday night. The safe was dynamited and a considerable sum of money taken. No clue has yet been found, but Cashier Conboy has a theory which he thinks may develop something. Section No.

3 Dodge County Teachere' association held one of the most interesting sessions of the year Saturday afternoon in the court house. Several topics relating to school work were heatedly discussed, to the advantage of all the teachers present. Don't let the little ones suffer from eczema. or other torturing skin disease8. No need for it.

Doan's Ointment cues. Can't harm the most delicate skin. At any drug store, 50 cents. For sale by Pobl Shephard. HER SON'S LIFE SAVED By Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.

"A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar. rhoea Remedy when my 800 W88 suffer.Dg with severe cramps and W88 given up as beyond hope by my regular physican, who stands, high in his profession. Atter administering three doses of it, my son regained conscious0888 and recovered entirely within twenty says Mrs. diary Haller, of Mt. Crawford.

Va. This remedy is for sale by Kos. Druggists. DON'T BE FOOLED Take the serine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by lEadison Medicine Inadison, Wis. It keeps 3 Our trade mark cut on each package.

Price, 35 cents. Never sold in buik. Accept no substi tute Ask your druggist TWENTY YEARS AGO Extracts from the FreHerald of Twenty Years ago To Arbor Day. Peter Brabo has removed his family from Hooper to Valentine. We are sorry to learn that George Forney is still suffering from infamatory rheumatism, and that bis improvement is very slow.

Wm. Kleffel brought back with him from California an accomplished parrot, well posted in all the modern languages, talking Spanish like a bidalgo, thongh she has never been to school a day in her life. The annual meeting of the Fremont fire department was held at the court house WednesE day evening, being about 90 members J. C. Cleland was re-elected chief without opposition, a after which he was called out and made a few remarks, thanking his brother firemen and accepting the position, which he has filled with so much of satisfaction for a pumber years.

A8 8000 88 he was seated, Geo. L. Loomie, on behalf of the department, arose and made the presentation of an elegant gold badge to Chief Cleland, as an appreciation of his past services. The other department officers were then elected as follows: Thomas Frahm, president; Geo. L.

Loomie, vice president; J. C. treasurer; Frank Hammond. secretary. Chief Cleland reappointed Mr.

Frahm as his assistant. Wm. Kleffel is about to commence erection of two residence houses, for rent, on the south half of his half block, fronting on Fourth street. Eventually he will put up a fine residence on Fifth street, ing one of the prettiest residence sites in the city. Remenyi Friday night.

Henry Bremers is down from J. B. Meredith of this city is drawn on the grand jury of the May term U.S. court at Omaha, N. Pascoe has bought the Capt.

St. John farm near Timber ville, and 80 acres of Mr. Snyder adjoining. This makes one of the No. 1 farms of Dodge county.

L. A. Griffith had the misfortune to lose one of his borrel team, on Wednesday night -a Saturn colt about four years old. A suit of replevin brought by Samuel O' Brien for the recovery of property taken from the house of the former by Mrs. 0' Brien, was decided in favor of defendant before Justice Martin.

Mre. Lydia A. Craig, wife of George Craig, a daughter of Elijah Conger. departed this life April 14, 1883, about 23 years of age, Within the past week there has been an immense number of trees set out Dodge county. Ag an example, J.

W. Love has set out 50.000 of maples, willows, box elders and catalpas, this county alone, besides about miles of willow hedge. Others have doubtless done equally as well, though we have as yet no definite returns. It promises well for the future of Dodge county. The fourth pier of the Blair bridge, which is being built by the Sioux City Pacific railroad, reached bedrock 57 ft below low water mark on Friday night and the piers will all be completed with two or three weeks more work.

It is expected that the bridge will be completed and ready for trains by November 1st. P. Mealley will sell crockery at cost in order to make room for other goods. A. C.

Hull has been making some additions in the way of new apparatus, scenery. to his photograph gallery. We understand that Frank Stouffer is about to return to Fremont and become associated with J. G. Smith's store here.

We are sorry to learn that Ed Pratt contemplates leaving soon for York state. He has sold his place to Billy Hunter. Fred Eftinger and R. E. Effinger, of Marshall, brother and son of our townsmap, bave arrived in the city, we believe with the view of locating.

Married--By County Judge Murray. on Thursday, John J. Burbank, Butler county, to Sidney A. of Saunders county. By the same, on Fri.

day, John Weigle to Augusta Dickman, both of Dodge Co. Dr. H. Pepoon, who recently purchased Dr. Giftin's interests take possession May 1st, at which time the latter will return to New York.

Dr. Giffin bas built up a good practice here.and deserves well wherever he may locate. J. F. Burns has gone to Clinton, to secure the material for the new buildings he is about to erect at Ainsworth, Brown county.

He will put up a hotel 30x40 and a hardware store nearly the same size, and put stock of goods that will insure him a good custom. The North Bend schools are now presided over by four instractors. Miss HattieEldridge having charge of the ate department. EACH TO TALK TO ALL means phones on one line.".

Fremont Tri-Weekly Herald from Fremont, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.