The Missoula Sentinel from Missoula, Montana (2024)

the 1 was acad- op al one 0 the riding the the with a be its of plans scouting, lifted of losing fund, and John and for orgunization, few broker don. even to whether the record in SIX THE MISSOULA SENTINEL, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2, 1922. ALEXANDER BELL DIES SUDDENLY Noted Scientist and Inventor Passes After Busy Life. (Continued From Page One.) was she who later became Bell's wife. Bell spent the following three years in night work in a cellar in Salem, Mass.

His money-needs were met by Gardiner G. Hubbard, his future father-in-law, and Thomas Sanders, the owner of the cellar. As he worked he began to see the possibility of conveying speech over an electrically charged wire the telephone. He used a dead man's ear for I can makeransmitter. talk," Bell had declared, "I can make iron His first success came while testing his instruments in his new quarters in Boston.

Thomas A. Watson, Bell's ussistant, had struck a clock spring at one end of the wire, and Bell was electrified to hear the sound in another room. For 40 weeks the instrument struggled, as it were, for human speech. Then on March 10, 1876, Watson became almost insane with joy when he heard over the wire Bell's voice saving: "Mr. Watson, come here: I want On his 29th birthday, Bell received his patent.

It was at the Centennial exposition held at Philadelphia, two months later, where men of science the world over who had come to examine and study the numerous inventions exhibited, saw Professor Bell give practical demonstration of the transmission of the human voice by elec- tricity. Attended Centennial. As for Bell himself. he had not planned to attend the Centennial at all. He was poor and he had reorganized his classes in vocal speech.

Toward the end of June he went to the station to see Miss Hubbard off Philadelphia. There had been some talk of his for. going, but he had put it quietly aside. She believed he was going: when reached the station she pleaded with him and was refused. As he put her aboard the train and it moved out.

leaving him on the platform. she burst out crying. Bell dashed after her and sprang aboard the train, without baggage, ticket or any other trifles. The next Sunday afternoon Bell was promised an inspection of his invention by the judges of exhibits. It wats a hot day and the judges had seen a great deal.

Some of them were for going home; one jeered and there 4 general boredom. Then there 2p- peared the blonde -bearded emperor of Brazil, with outstretched hands. He had heard in some way of Bell's leetures in Boston; the deaf-mute work appealed to him. His greeting made stir. Bell made.

ready for his demonstration. A wire had been strung the length of the room. Bell took the transmitter: Don Pedro placed the recelver to his ear. He- started 00 amazed: America's Greatest. Afterward Lord Kelvin plain Witliam Thompson then- -took hp the receiver.

He was the engineer of the first. Atlantic cable. He nodded his head solemnly as he cot up, does speak." he said emphatically. "It is the most wonderful thing I have seen in America." The judges took turns talking and listening until 10 that night. Next morning the telephone was brought to the judges' pavilion.

It was mohibed by scientists the remainder -of the summer. The distinguished inventor was the recipient of many honors in this country and abroad. The French government. ever quick to recognize science, conferred on him the decoration the Legion of Honor. the French emy bestowed on him Volta prize of 50.000 francs, the of Arts London its Albert modal and Warzburg.

made him of the telephone almost nothing formation human and hearing Washington once when he slough of despond and took the portunity to call on Prof Joseph Henwho knew as much about electricity and the telegraph as man then alive. Henry told him he had the germ of a great invention 'But," said Bell, "I have not got the electrical knowledge that is necessary." said Henry. Bell did get some of it--enough. Student of Sound. Had I known more about electricity and less abont sound." he said.

would never have invented the telephone. While Dr. Eell will be best remembered as the inventor of the telephone, claim that has been sustained through many legal contests, he also became noted for other inventions. He was joint inventor of the graphaphone! with Sumner Taintor. He invented an ingenious method of lithography.

photophone, and an induction balance, He invented a telephone probe which he used to locate the bullet that killed 15 President Garfield. He spent years and over $200,000 in testing his famous tetrahedral kite, and established principal of architecture, the use tetrahedral cells or units. Throughout his life. Dr. Bell maintained his interest and labors for deaf.

mutes. He founded, became president and contributed $250,000 to the American Association to Promote Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. He was a mem. ber of many of the leading American learned societies. Other Inventions.

Dr. Bell's laboratories have been Tocated since 1886 near Baddeck, Cape Breton. There for many years he conducted research and experiment in aerial locomotion and other scientific subjects and maintained his private! museum showing the development of his greatest inventions: He encouraged Samuel P. to invent the first flying machine and declared after wit- OH, BOY! AIN'T WE GOT FUN! Kids living near the Henry Street settlement. New York city, can't afford to leave their news stands and other flourishing business establishments to go to the shore, so friendly firemen give them a daily shower.

nessing its flight at Quantico. Va.p in 1896, that the age of the airplane was at hand. although Langley's machine was destroyed. Dr. Bell formed in 1907 the Aerial Experiment association with headquarters in Cape Breton and its object to learn to fly.

It is claimed that it was with the machines developed by that association that the first really successful public flights airplanes in America were made. In the world war Dr Bell W. Baldwin invented boat called a hydrodrome which developed speed of 70 miles an hour and was called the fastest in the world. 1t used an airplane propeller and carried beneath it a series of planes which its main body above the water its speed increased. It was intended for submatrine chasinng and but the armistice prevented use those purposes.

Superior Ball Club Ends Season With 1,000 Per Cent Superior. Ang. game with Alberton Sunday closed the season for Superior baseball team. with a record of seven games won and not lost. The score on Sunday was 3.10 in favor of Superion There by were few errors made the winners The team was to Alberton by many enthusiastic support ers.

Harold Ives pitched in his usual good form. It is the purpose the local ball team to keep the which been so sucecsstul this season, intact for next year's work during for the winter, derelop raising funds for summer's expenses. John Black, Noted Golfer Not Expected to Recover Associated Press. Back. San Toso, nationally golfer, fighting what may battie hospital with death Columbia here.

of tained when automohile. which he was milton Herbert Brown, millionaire insurance of San skidded curve Irvington last night turned near over. died fractured skull at here hours after the 16 HURT IN TRAIN WRECK. Medal Sought Friends are trying to obtain a Carnegle hero award for Helen Peightal, 17, of Huntington. Pa.

She recently saved a man in the Juniata river. She saved two others last year, KIWANIS MEN ARE ROTARY'S GUESTS Happy Session at Tavern and Speakers Extol Benefits of Club Co-operating. The Rotarians and Kiwanians of Missoula today met at noon at luncheon at the Tavern cafe. The members of the Kiwanis club were the guests of the Rotarians. Tom N.

Marlowe presided at the segTalks were inade by W. O. Dick- Inson, president of he Rotary, club, who turned the breeting to Mr. Marlowe as toastmaster; A. L.

Stone, who talked on fellowship: Walter Pope, president of the Kiwanis club; William Murphy of the Rotary club, M. J. Hutchens of the Kiwanis club and Mayor W. H. Beacom, member of the Kiwanis club.

The session was a happy one from start 10 finish. AlL of the speakers pointed out the good feeling that existed between the two clubs and hoped that other such meetings might be held in order that all members of both clubs might co-operate toward the building of a bigger and better Missoula. The spirit of the two organizations, having as its basis doing those things which will be of the greatest benefit to community, was extolled by all the speakers, Husband Sues Edith Day, noted musical comedy star, has returned to America from London to answer the divorce suit of Carle Carlton. musical comedy producer. SIX BACK TO CONGRESS.

By the Associted Press. Oklahoma neg. Representatives from SIX of eight Oklahoma congression! districts, including Miss Alice Robertson only woman member of congress. won their way into the November. general election, leads on complete returns from yesterday's primary elections today indicated.

Lustrous, soft, yet manageable hair! Can you imagine such a combination after a shampoo. The next time you wash your hair use Clensol Cocoanut Oil Shampoo and be convinced that you can shampoo your hair and dress it becomingly without any fuss or loss of time. Clensol, the cocoanut oil shampoo, lathers freely, cleanses scalp and hair, rinses thoroughly, and leaves the hair silky, glossy and easy to manage. It contains no grease, no alkali or alcohol to dry the scalp. At drug and department stores The Price is Right HILL Military Academy A Select Non -Sectarian Boarding School.

Boys between 6 and 20 years. Social Advantages, Homelike Atmosphere. Small Classes and Men Teachers. Detailed U. S.

Army Officer. Opens Sept. 18, 1922. Portland, Oregon Relieve the CAPSULES Sale, Successfal BLADDER MIDY Each bears nante Capsule (MIDY Beware of counterfeits RAIL INJUNCTION CASE IS UNDER ADVIsem*nT Judge Bourquin to Decide 011 Milwaukee Request. This hearing was suspended tempo- ing to a charge of violation of the of delivery cars, small trucks and taxicabs have found that the same strong construction which enables Red-Tops to roll up surprising mileage records for small cars on rough roads will show astounding economy on cars used commercially, where incessant use under heavy loads soon breaks down other tires.

Nowhere else can you find the sturdy combination of the extra ply of fabric and the specially compounded heavy red tread which has built the Red-Top reputation. There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size: for car, truck or speed wagon Time to Retire? (Buy Fisk) TRADE MARK REG U.S. PAT. OFF 4 FISK Ply of Fabric Heavy Tread Extra RED- Extra CLINCHER TIRE By the Associated Press. Heelna, Aug.

the reading of a number of affidavits in United States district court this morning by defendants in the injunction proceedings Instituted by the Chicage. Milwaukee St. Paul railway company against railroad shopmen on strike, points involved were taken under adVisem*nt by Judge George N. Bourquin. rarily last Wednesday morning on petition of the defense counsel, who desired time in which to produce additional testimony.

As in the case of the Great Northern Railway company against the striking shopmen, in which an injunetton against the shopmen recently was issued, the plaintiff company in this case alleged interference by the striking shopmen with the carrying of United States mail and interstate commerce. SENTENCED TO JAIL. By the Associated Press Helena, Aug. 1. -Vernon E.

Lattin, arrested recently at Deer Park, on a warrant issued out of Helena by United States District Attorney John L. Slattery, and brought here Monday deputy United States marshal from, Spokane, pleaded guilty before Judge George M. Bourquin this morn- Mann net and was sentenced to serve six months, in the Lewis and Clark county jail. TO GO TO MISSION CANYON. 41 The last excursion for the summer school students will be held this week -end when trip to the Mission canyon and Elizabeth Falls will he made.

The party will leave the university in trucks and taxis Friday afternoon driving to St. Ignatius and then to the Mission canyon that night. The return trip will be started Sunday afternoon. Ladies Keep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum RAILWAYMEN DECIDE NOT TO ENTER POLITICS NOW Helena Conference Withholds Action for Time. solicit or endorse no political party, but to choose men for their merits." was the keynote of the conterence for progressive political action.

at Helena from July 31 to August according to C. A. Bolton of Alherton. who is chairman of the legislative board. and Fred N.

Grant of Missoula, legislative representative of conductors, who returned from the meeting today. 'No endorsem*nts of candidates be made by this organization until after the primary eection. and 114 of candidates arrayed in the primary contests, so far as immediate political action is concerned. the was action taken by the executive committed elected at the conference at which groups of railway brotherhoods. Non -Partisan league and bor organizations, Individually and represented.

The decision not to Indorse. however was made clear, is not to be accepted as indication of a hands-offpolicy. is understood that the records of the congressional Judicial were fairly well defined and the discretion of voters believing in the creed of the conte will Be relied on pickand several the consisting of Young. Billings Brotherhood of Rail way Carmen, chairman: Robert, ConBillings, Enited Mine Workers, Vice -chairman: A. Bolton, Alberton, Order of Rallway Conductors; E.

H. Manson. Helena. secretary of the State Federation of Labor, and R. A.

Haste, Billings, Non-Partisan secretary. delegated the final board of control and strategy So for as Montana there will be 110. distineton as to political parties in the apcampaign Attention will paid to the individual records of the regardless of party affilia- when about said. was that the Helena con- nig the purpose of electing once at the Instigation brotherhood officials. Helena, accords state, The gives their votes miportant questions and in some new and prepared parties will be: distributed, the opinion of the commit- primaries this candidates should be DRUGS ARE SEIZED, defeated Or supported By the Associated Press Ang.

A trunk containing narcotics valued at $3,500 was seized the baggage room of transcontinental railroad here this morning Sheriff Duggan and Inspector the federal force. Asker Horlick's The ORIGINAL Malted Milk Safe Milk For Infants Invalids NO COOKING The "Food Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and Fountains. Ask for HORLICK'S. to- Avoid Imitations Substitutes VETERINARIAN DR.A.

A.D. KNOWLES 302 South Fourth Street, West Phone 403 Missoula, Mont. 103 action Cut In Price of Studebaker Cars Effective August 1st the price of Studebaker cars will be as follows, F. O. B.

factory: Light Six Touring and Roadster 975.00 Light Six Coupe 1.225.00 Light Six Sedan 1,550.00 Special Six Touring 1.275.00 Special Six Four-Passenger Coupe 1.825.00 Special Six Sedan 2.050.00 Big Six Touring 1.650.00 Big Six Speedster 1.785.00 Big Six Four-Passenger Coupe 2.275.00 Big Six Sedan 2.475.00 All signed orders will be delivered at the new prices. Place your order at once if you have not done so. See these cars on our floor. Johnston Motorcar Co. Phone 284 215 West Front.

The Missoula Sentinel from Missoula, Montana (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.